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: 관리자 : Mon, 18 March 2024, 12:00 AM

[Pulse] SsangYong C&E introduces roadmap to build safe workplace


2024.03.18 10:31:03
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[Courtesy of SsangYong C&E Co.]
[Courtesy of SsangYong C&E Co.]

SsangYong Construction & Engineering Co. (SsangYong C&E) has established a joint labor-management roadmap to build a safe workplace free of accidents, the company said on Sunday.

The roadmap, designed to enhance safety management execution, includes a detailed action plan for safety management activities by year over three years.

According to the plan, the company aims to achieve zero accidents across all its workplaces this year, focusing on eliminating industrial accidents.

Next year, the company plans to establish a voluntary participation stage through labor-management cooperation, and by 2026, it will complete a mutually complementary safety culture in which field workers protect their colleagues.

SsangYong C&E operates the Honorary Industrial Safety Officer System to identify hazards on site and support the operation and establishment of a systematic safety management system.

This system focuses on inspecting sites intensively to manage risks and also has the authority to recommend rewards for outstanding employees in safety management activities.

The company also encourages employees to obtain industrial safety certifications.

Although the certification acquisition rate among employees was only around 20 percent as of the end of last month, SsangYong C&E plans to increase the rate to around 50 percent by the end of this year.

By Kim Dong-eun and Minu Kim
[ⓒ Pulse by Maeil Business News Korea & mk.co.kr, All rights reserved]
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